Family Bible Fellowship
“And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.” Romans 12:2

Our theme for 2024 is “Be not conformed, but be ye transformed” Romans 12:2
The Family Bible Fellowship (FBF) meets once a month on the 4th Saturday, 5:00 pm at Goldhill. We minister to family groups within the church through monthly biblical messages.
A Q&A and Testimony session follows the message. Other activities organised are family-themed seminars, gospel meetings, and fellowship walks.
A children’s program is also conducted concurrently at every meeting.
The meeting ends with a fellowship dinner for a time of sharing and bonding.
Our objectives are to unite church members through fellowship, to create an avenue for members to listen, learn, and grow spiritually from God’s Word, and to create opportunities for members to show and exercise Christian love one to another.
We welcome all church members and friends to our meetings.
Contact Timothy Tan to find out more about FBF.