Our History
Officially recognised and gazetted as True Life Bible-Presbyterian Church on 24 July 2004, it had begun as the Lord’s Day Service of Far Eastern Bible College (FEBC) on 5 October 2003.
On that day, Rev Dr Timothy Tow, the founding pastor of Life Bible-Presbyterian Church (Life BPC) in 1950 and pioneer of the Bible-Presbyterian movement in Southeast Asia, preached to a small flock of about 60 worshippers in a rented room in the RELC. They were FEBC students and members of Life BPC who shared his belief that the Bible is 100% inspired and 100% preserved to the last word and letter.
“Can two walk together, except they be agreed?” (Amos 3:3). Hearkening to God’s teaching, Rev Tow had decided to part ways and leave Life BPC, which he had pastored for 53 years, when his assistant pastors and Church leaders disagreed with him that the Bible is 100% perfect.
He was 83 years old then. As he wrote in the FEBC Lord’s Day Service bulletin of 5 October 2003, “As you know I have been pressurised to resign from Life Church after 53 years of service … For nearly a year a controversy has raged in Far Eastern Bible College between younger lecturers and those who stand with the Principal on the question whether the Bible has some mistakes or without any and absolutely perfect. As I take the view of a 100% perfect Bible and stand with Dr Jeffrey Khoo, more squabbles developed on August 20 at Life Church Session meeting which drove me to my resignation.
“Not desiring any further contention and following our Lord’s example, I determined to leave Life Church and begin anew with a fresh Service. The Lord wonderfully provided a place not far from Gilstead Road at the RELC, down Orange Grove Road from Shangri-La Hotel with immediate occupation. We take it as a positive sign from God.”
Rev Tow served faithfully until the Lord took him home on 20 April 2009. In 2011, Rev Dr Jeffrey Khoo was elected pastor of True Life Bible-Presbyterian Church.
From 60 worshippers in the first worship service on 5 October 2003, the Church has grown to about 300 today. Praise the Lord!
Our Faith
Article 4 of our church constitution sets out our beliefs about:
- the Bible which is the word of God and therefore 100% perfect;
- God who is the Creator of the universe and man;
- Adam’s disobedience that led to every human being inheriting a sinful nature and becoming a sinner. Consequently, every human being dies spiritually and physically.
- Jesus, 100% God and 100% Man, is perfect and, by His sinless life, death, and resurrection, is the only Saviour for mankind;
- the Holy Spirit’s ministry in the salvation of man which is by faith and not by good works;
- the unity of Jesus and His believers;
- the second coming of Jesus to restore Israel and to be the Judge and King of Israel and of this world.
Article 4 states that the doctrine of the Church shall be in accordance with that system commonly called “the Reformed Faith” as expressed in
Our Purpose
True Life BPC is a community of followers of Jesus Christ. We strive to fulfil the missions Jesus has charged His church until His return. To this end, the objects for which the Church is established are:
- The salvation of souls;
- The edification of Christians through the teaching of God’s Word;
- The promotion of godly worship;
- The defence of “the faith which was once delivered unto the saints” (Jude 1:3);
- The establishment and extension of Christian missions and institutions for the furtherance of God’s Kingdom on earth;
- The promotion of Christian relief for the poor and needy;
- The strengthening of mutual fellowship, encouragement and unity among individual Bible-Presbyterian Churches and other Bible-believing churches of similar stand “for the Word of God and for the testimony of Jesus Christ” (Revelation.1:9).