Back to 2024 Church Weekly List

Vol. XXI No. 48
25 August 2024


Rev Samuel Joseph

Fellowship is a blessing for all Christians: it is a means of grace, and a command of the Lord. We are not to forsake Christian assemblies (Heb 10:24–25), but rather use them as opportunities to bless and be blessed by our brethren in Christ. We each have spiritual gifts given by the Lord (Eph 4:7), and God’s design for the church is that we should be bolstered by the contributions of others, even as we ourselves do our part for the body of Christ (Eph 4:16). Part of the love for one another, which is required of us all, is to meet together and minister to one another.

Fellowship is especially a blessing, and especially necessary, for young people. At this relatively young age, our friends are very important to us: we share our experiences in school, our interests and hobbies, our struggles as we begin to enter the workforce, and so on. Young people are especially influenced — for good or ill — by the friends they make and spend time with. And in this modern world, young people are exposed to many temptations and distractions with the internet, mobile gaming, and social media. How important, then, that our young people form good and spiritually beneficial friendships in the Lord! This is one of the purposes and aims of the Young People’s Fellowship (YPF).

Another aim of the YPF is to afford opportunities for the young people to serve the Lord. Service is a privilege open to all believers: we are saved to serve, after all. Young people are encouraged to use their talents as musicians, playing the piano at YPF meetings; as artists, designing the quarterly programme cards and occasional posters; as singers, presenting song items from time to time; and so on. There are also various committees — the YPF committee, camp committee, and anniversary committee — where YPFers can learn and grow in their spiritual service.

A further aim, and a most crucial one, is to give the young people a good grounding in scripture. At regular YPF meetings, the young people gather for a time of instruction from God’s word. The messages are arranged topically and/or expositionally: currently, we are studying the epistles of Peter with Rev Tan Kian Sing, the book of Ecclesiastes with Rev Samuel Joseph, and the Ten Commandments with Pastor (earlier in the year) and Jonathan Hendricks from FEBC (presently and to the end of the year). It is essential for young people to have a firm grounding in the faith, in the truths of scripture — we are in a world that is increasingly challenging and contradicting the biblical worldview, and our young people are at the front lines of this spiritual battle!

The YPF also organises special meetings, usually once a month — these include outings, cottage meetings, and visitations. At such meetings the YPFers are able to get to know one another in more informal settings, and also to minister to other church members. There are also combined meetings at various points in the year, where YPFers can get to know members of other fellowship groups in the church, as well as young people from other churches.

God willing, the YPF will hold a combined camp with the YAF in December (8–11). The overall camp theme will be on biblical charity based on 1 Corinthians 13 with specific applications to hospitality, separation, judgments and criticisms. The camp will be held at the Resort Lautan Biru in Mersing, Malaysia.


Dear Brothers and Sisters in TLBPC, this is Tadahito Yamazaki in Japan.

Thank you so much that you always consider, help and support me. I really thank the LORD for your lovingkindness and encouragement for me. May the LORD bless and give much grace to you!

I report about the big problem that happened recently in our church in Abashiri, Hokkaido, and testify what the LORD taught me and guided me to do.

Be careful of the cult called “Two by Twos”

The problem was caused by two men who said they were evangelists. One of them was a New Zealander, 72 years old. He has evangelized in Japan for about 40 years. The other was Japanese, 64, he also evangelized in Japan for about 40 years. They insisted that they were just Christians, just continuing from the age of the book of Acts, ie no church name, no denomination, no organization, no church building, just gathering together in a believer`s house. This cult has many workers and members all over the world.

They came to our church in Abashiri in July 2023 for the first time. These two men had apartments in Abashiri and Sapporo, and they were coming and going from these two places. And when they were in Abashiri, they came to our church every Sunday afternoon at the gospel meeting. They looked like very good men—very gentle, meek, humble and looked faithful and godly. Then, all of us including me almost trusted them. Although what they say and do was sometimes unnatural, some of us deeply admired them.

But on May 2024, one Christian in Sapporo told us that they may be the cult called “Two by Twos” which has many heretical doctrines, eg denying the Trinity, denying the deity of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, denying the perfection of Jesus’ redemption, insisting that man must do good works for his salvation, etc. Their organization has many social problems like child sexual abuse in USA, Australia and New Zealand etc.

Those two men hid their identity, and crept into our church, and brainwashed some immature believers. When we realized that they were from this cult, we immediately decided that we would never have any connection with them. But some of our members have already been brainwashed, and insisted that the two men were true Christians, and stood against us strongly. I warned them clearly and strongly, but they never listened to me, and rejected me.

Although these members left our church because they hated the decision, I am sure that they will come back because they are the son and daughters of the founder of this church. They were born and grew up in this church and have no other place to go. I believe they have responsibility to succeed their parents in their work and lead this church because their parents have passed away in recent years.

I already warned them clearly, but they rejected me. I think I have carried out my responsibility. Then, I left this church following the word of our LORD (Matt 10:14). I learned many things from this bitter experience. These two men are exactly “deceitful workers” being transformed as the ministers of righteousness (2 Cor 11:13–15). We have to be careful always to watch out for such deceivers. Please be very careful of the “Two by Twos.” They are in Singapore too.

Serve the LORD following after Pastor Kluttz

Therefore, I moved to Sapporo on 1st August. Sapporo was where I heard the gospel for the first time from Pastor Robert Kluttz. I repented and believed in Christ 32 years ago. Pastor Kluttz is 97 now, bedridden, and in the last stage of his life. But his heart is still burning for the LORD. When I met him, I always felt ashamed of my idleness and lack of eagerness to work for the LORD. And I finally realized that I have received many good things from him, but I have returned nothing to him. I think that the only thing I can do in return for his kindness is to serve the LORD faithfully and preach the gospel in Sapporo, following after him.

I have joined brother Suzuki’s church. He also heard the gospel from Pastor Kluttz and believed in Christ when he was a young student. His wife Mikiko also the same. Although this church is small, only about 5 persons including me, we have many things to do. Please pray for us. The name of this church is Sapporo Bible House Church. If you come to Sapporo, please visit us.

I pray for you in TLBPC and FEBC. May the LORD bless and help you!

Sincerely yours in Christ,
Tadahito Yamazaki
9 August 2024

Family Bible Fellowship, Parenting Seminar, 9 August 2024

1 Goldhill Plaza, #03-35, S(308899)
6254 1287

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