Back to 2024 Church Weekly List

Vol. XXI No. 38
16 June 2024


(1) Far Eastern Bible College (FEBC) shall offer 14 courses on campus and/or online to the laity/public in the new semester which begins on 15 July and ends on 8 November 2024.
(2) Both day and night classes are held at 9A Gilstead Road, Singapore 309063.
(3) Students are encouraged to attend the classes on campus if they are able to.
(4) The classes will be livestreamed, and the video recordings will remain online for those unable to attend the classes physically or as scheduled.
(5) All who wish to take the classes whether for credit or audit must register online at


(On Campus and Live Stream)

Rev Tan Kian Sing
BEng, GDBA, MDiv
Mondays (starting July 22)
9.30–11.30 am, 2 credits

This course will study the epistle of James in depth to discover its biblical and theological truths and apply these truths to the church today.

Rev Dr Koa Keng Woo, BTh, DD
Tuesdays (starting July 16)
11.30 am–12.30 pm, 1 credit

This course examines critically the history and heresies of the major cults of the world today.

Joycelyn Chng, BEng, MDiv
Tuesdays (starting July 16)
1.30–2.30 pm, 1 credit

This course is an introduction to the philosophy, history, and principles of Christian education, and the Christian education needed for various age groups.

Rev Dr Prabhudas Koshy
BSc, BTh, MDiv, ThM, ThD
Wednesdays (starting July 17)
10.30 am–12.30 pm, 2 credits

This course seeks to lay a biblical foundation for a life and ministry of prayer. It will teach believers how to cultivate a prayerful Christian life in light of the Scriptures.

Joshua Yong, BRE, MDiv, ThM
Thursdays (starting July 18)
9.30–10.30 am, 1 credit

This course seeks to examine and expose the current theological trends in Christendom with a focus on the modern text and versions movement.

Rev Dr Jose Lagapa
DVM, PhD, MDiv, ThM, ThD
Thursdays (starting July 18)
10.30 am–12.30 pm, 2 credits

This course is a study on the history of the Church from the close of the Apostolic Age right through the Middle Ages and up to the Renaissance and the start of the Reformation.

Carol Lee, BBA, DipEd, MEd, MDiv
Thursdays (starting July 18)
1.30–2.30 pm, 1 credit

This course is an introduction to various practical study skills and also to various skills helpful to the thinking activity so as to help students hone their abilities to improve their academic performance to the glory of God.

Rev Clement Chew, BSc, MDiv, ThM
Fridays (starting July 19)
9.30–11.30 am, 2 credits

This course will study the Acts of the Apostles in depth to discover its biblical and theological truths and apply these truths to the church today.

Carol Lee, BBA, DipEd, MEd, MDiv
Fridays (starting July 19)
11.30 am–12.30 pm, 1 credit

This course is a biographical study of women in the Bible in order to gain a deeper understanding of these women and draw practical lessons from their examples and testimonies for Christians today.


(On Campus and Live Stream)

Rev Dr Quek Suan Yew
BArch, BTh, MDiv, STM, ThD
Mondays (starting July 15)
7.30–9.30 pm, 2 credits

This course seeks to give an overview of the Old Testament and will study into the history of Israel—God’s chosen nation. It will be offered in three parts.

Rev Zhu Jianwei, BTh, MDiv, ThM
Wednesdays (starting July 17)
7.30–9.30 pm, 2 credits

This course is an overview of the nature and contents of the New Testament. A general familiarity with the background and literature of the New Testament is foundational for other New Testament courses.

Rev Dr Jeffrey Khoo
BTh, MDiv, ThM, PhD
Thursdays (starting July 18)
7.30–9.30 pm, 2 credits

This course is a study of Covenant Theology in the light of the Holy Scriptures and the Westminster Confession of Faith. It has doctrinal value in understanding God and His work, and practical value for Christian life and service.



Rev Dr Jeffrey Khoo
BTh, MDiv, ThM, PhD

This is a study of the person of Christ, His deity, and His humanity, the doctrine and the application of the atonement, and the Church and the sacraments. 2 credits.


Certificate of Religious Knowledge (CertRK)

The CertRK is a Bible study programme at the basic level. The successful completion of 20 credits earns the CertRK.

Certificate of Biblical Studies (CertBS)

The CertBS is a Bible study programme at the advanced level. The successful completion of 40 credits (or 20 credits beyond the CertRK) earns the CertBS.


(1) Please register for your courses online at (2) Registration opens on June 16, 2024 and closes on August 4, 2024, 11.59 pm. (3) For any enquiries, please email


Are grandparents and parents mindful of their children’s salvation? (Text: 2 Tim 1:1–7).

When I was in Secondary School 70 years ago there was no hardship passing examinations. We went through Senior Cambridge without much struggle. Chinese was not compulsory and yet I passed because we were Chinese-speaking and I attended a Chinese-speaking Church. I took Latin and that was where I had to sweat it out. In contrast our children today have to take tuition classes at Kindergarten age.

Grandparents and parents worry over their children’s education, but as for their spiritual welfare they are consigned to the Sunday School. But God sees through their hearts. Paul speaking to Timothy rejoiced to trace Timothy’s faith which dwelt first in his grandmother Lois and in Eunice his mother and right down to Timothy himself which was confirmed in Paul’s ordaining him to be a minister. Now, how about us? Can we rejoice in our grandchildren and children strongly putting their trust in Jesus Christ that they love to come not only to Church and Sunday School but also to the prayer meeting?

Let me give you my testimony. As grandfather I take pleasure not only to pray with my two granddaughters, I not only teach them to pray but hear them pray themselves. After assuring them of Jesus’ love for their souls, then I pray for their education and school work. I examine them if they pray themselves before going to bed at night and before getting up in the morning. The elder of the two answers firmly she has direct contact with God both morning and night. The younger granddaughter is still unsure. She forgets to pray and once or twice her father prays with her while he drives her to school. To remind her to pray always, I said, she would win, and not to pray, she would lose. Praying before exams she wins, but she must do her homework first!

Our grandchildren and children need our prayers for salvation and we must receive their confirmations. Proof: they love to come to church, to give their own tithes (I’m speaking of older ones I know), their love for the doctrines. Now, as they go to university, they all the more need our prayers. They should show an attitude of gratitude for all the provisions from their parents. When they begin to date let them go only with Christians, the best with them of the same church. Let them openly discuss with their parents. Let them refrain from pre-marital sex and let them break off with those who take God lightly. If they are called to the ministry and they go to Bible College first, well and good. We have seen those who argue for University first but end up last.

Our children need our prayers throughout life. And Timothy through association with Paul became a minister. But don’t forget Timothy’s grandma Lois and Eunice his mother and their upbringing of him. Are grandparents and parents today mindful of their children’s salvation? What is your answer? But you, are you saved? Jesus Christ is coming very soon! Why not serve Him full-time? Join FEBC. Rev Dr Timothy Tow, True Life Weekly, 17 July 2005.

Pastoral Counsel

We spare no effort to send our children to school, even tuition classes, and make sure they get there on time. How about Sunday School?

We have an excellent Sunday School programme in church. Bring your children to Sunday School, 9 am every Lord’s Day. Parents and all worshippers too should attend the Sunday School. We have good teachers for both children and adults. Why miss out on a good thing?

Covenant with the Lord to be a faithful Sunday School student. And don’t stop there, be an FEBC student as well. Just take one BTFE course for a start, and see how the Lord will bless you. JK

1 Goldhill Plaza, #03-35, S(308899)
6254 1287

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