Back to 2023 Church Weekly List

Vol. XX No. 42
16 July 2023


A Blessed Camp

A total of 205 campers attended this year’s church camp at the Aston Batam Hotel & Residences from 11 to 15 June 2023. God blessed us with a wonderful time and provided us spiritual nourishment from the preachers and teachers (for the children) throughout the daily camp theme messages, devotionals and Bible lessons. “O how love I thy law! It is my meditation all the day.” (Ps 119:97).

Our 9 overseas missionaries and co-labourers presented their reports over 2 evenings and as they shared what God was doing in their respective mission stations and their various needs, the Holy Spirit moved our hearts to give an amount of $7,001 to our brethren. “As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.” (Gal 6:10)

I am grateful for a blessed camp where the spirit of brotherly kindness was manifested and the warmth of Christian fellowship forged and renewed. It was such a joy to see campers, young and old, not only from True Life but also from other churches bond over meals, breaks and free time. “Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!” (Ps 133:1)

Truly, it was a foretaste of heaven on earth! To Him be all the glory forever! Beng Lee, Campmaster

A Spiritual Feast

Thank God for unlocking my training schedule so that I could go to the church camp. It is wonderful to resume our yearly foretaste of heaven on earth and I must say this was the best spiritual feast I’ve had for a long time. Not once did I doze off.

This year’s theme—The Doctrine of the Church—is so timely and pertinent. Perhaps because of what is happening, we have become more eager to learn, to know, to understand what God says about His church. And I thank the Lord for instructing us through the messages delivered so powerfully by His faithful messengers. And the missionary reports were so eye opening. I wish those who have been questioning the love gifts to the Filipino mission field were here to see for themselves the work being done and what more is needed.

There is a reason why we came to this church camp. We learnt the purpose Jesus gave Himself for us (read Eph 5:25–27). And we learnt that it is a privilege to be used by God to accomplish what He has planned.

It is my prayer that we keep all that we learnt this week in our hearts. And ask ourselves—if I love the church, what can/should I do to stop the divisiveness.

My takeaway is that we depend on God and we need one another. And when the church is united, serving Christ, we exude glory to God and bring blessings to others.

I pray that we will be united in Christ and with one another. And may all we do give glory to God. Judith d’Silva

Wonderful Time of Fellowship

Thank God for blessing us with a wonderful time of fellowship and learning of God’s Word. I witnessed my children learning more of God and opening up to His teaching. It was a delight hearing my son singing more Christian songs as he is usually shy to showcase his vocals. Thankful for the support provided during this camp too by fellow brethren. Kate Yeo

This is our first camp with the church, and we have been much blessed spiritually through His Word preached. We are also very grateful and thankful for all the warm godly fellowship that we have enjoyed together and thank you for making us feel very much welcomed and included in the church family—we have been touched by God through you all. Amoz & Eleanor

Doing God’s Work Together

Through the missions reports, I realised that the work that our missionaries are doing is really difficult, hard and laborious. It touched me most, especially, with the verse shared by Missionary Bai Eun Young to Africa, Psalm 126:5, “They that sow in tears shall reap in joy”.

The toils and sacrifices that the missionaries have to go through in various countries are definitely done with the sole purpose of doing God’s work. I do pray and hope that we will put our heart into missionary work, starting in Singapore, in our own church and then to other countries with ONE purpose of doing God’s work together. Edmund Wong


A Summary of the Camp Messages by Thaddeus Wong

Amidst all the ongoing strife and apostasy in the world, the Church is a major bastion to uphold God and His Word above all. Alas, many have fallen from the good old faith and are now no different from the world. However, there are a few churches worldwide that still keep the divine faith and fight the good fight of defending God’s Word by realising the following:

(1) Know we are a people called out by God. The Church is not a place but a people called by God to salvation. The people are to be of “one mind”, with the same beliefs and the same Lord and Saviour. Personal opinions do not matter, for God is the God of unity and wants His people to be at peace with one another while following Him.

(2) All the faith and worship in the Church is based on the Reformed Faith from the Westminster Confession of Faith from the Protestant Reformation. By Scripture alone, by faith alone, by grace alone, through Christ alone, to the glory of God alone. Also, we follow Paul who followed Christ. Sovereignty of God is key and God’s faithfulness, Calvin’s TULIP, and the premillennial return of Christ.

(3) Stay far away from sin, cleanse your hands, heart and mind, and draw closer to God. Also make sure it sticks, especially with fellow saints. The Church is also to stay away from worldliness and falsehood, so that the church members are kept clean within for they are in the world but not of it.

(4) All members of the Church have a part to play regardless of who they are—their age, language, or strength. Unity in diversity, we need to depend on one another. It is not just about self. Genuine unity is key.

(5) Church officers oversee the flock of Christ, teaching or leading them. All positions have no promotion for all are for God’s glory along with the mission of winning more lost souls via missions and evangelism. Worship is overseen by Pastor, service by deacons, and education by teachers, and fellowship is ensured by Elders. All must be appointed by God and must be of an excellent spirit in terms of biblical and spiritual knowledge, plus they must believe in the same faith. Humility is also vital.

(6) Give to others as Christ gave everything His saints needed for life on earth and life eternal. Cheerfulness is essential. Everything belongs to God.

(7) Communion with Christ and fellow brethren. This unity is with Christ that leads to life, reflected in our bonding and unity with the saints, and we are interdependent on our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. We should be a blessing to them. The Lord’s Supper is a means of grace, reflecting and teaching unity between both Jesus and fellow saints. Truth + Charity = Unity.

The seven messages are essential for the Church’s spiritual survival and can be summed up as follows: (1) Be a people who live for God, avoiding and getting rid of sin. (2) Show charity to others along with generosity and unity. (3) If you are a church officer, minister God’s Word and lead by example. (4) There must be humility before God and man. (5) Desire to leave the world and aim for divine perfection. (6) Let the love of God reign in your life. (7) Remember the Cross. (8) Get rid of all divisions and sins. (9) Do not rob God. (10) Do the first nine points and encourage saints with loving chidings, provoking them to godly works. (11) Believe in the same faith that was once delivered unto the saints.

To do them, “hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand.” (Rev 1:3).

True Life Bible-Presbyterian Church Camp 2023
@ Aston Batam Hotel & Residences
Theme: Doctrine of the Church (Hebrews 12:23)

1 Goldhill Plaza, #03-35, S(308899)
6254 1287

© 2024 True Life Bible-Presbyterian Church