30 Orange Grove Road, down Shangri-La Hotel, Singapore 258352
Mailing Address: 1 Goldhill Plaza, #03-35, Singapore 308899
Email: admin@truelifebpc.org.sg; Website: http://www.truelifebpc.org.sg
(Ring Pastor Jeffrey Khoo 62561189 Anytime)
“The LORD is in his holy temple: let all the earth keep SILENCE before him.” | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The Word of Life Bible-Presbyterian Church in Siem Reap, Cambodia under Pr Tann Heng conducted its 2nd Vacation Bible School (VBS) from Wednesday to Friday, 6–8 September 2017. Fourteen of us from Singapore went to assist him: 12 from True Life (Pastor and Mrs Jeffrey Khoo, Dn Charles and Jenny, Bee Heng and Yee Fong, Janelle, Joycelyn, Katherine Go, Priscilla, Qiaoyan, and Sok Sin), one from Berean BPC (Judy), and one FEBC student (Bun Kouy—Tann Heng’s brother). All paid their own expenses for the trip (except Bun Kouy whose expenses were taken care of by the church).
Most of the team departed Singapore for Siem Reap on Tuesday morning, September 5, flying Silkair which gave us ample luggage space for all the materials we had to bring for the VBS (books, clothes, stationery etc). We also brought two new pedestal fans for the meeting rooms (to fight the heat), and a water dispenser. Our bags and boxes cleared customs without any hitch.
After checking into our hotel, we went to the church which was about 15 minutes away. We had a time of Bible reading, testimony, thanksgiving and prayer before we got to work to get our materials and the place ready for VBS.
However, while assembling the pedestal fans, it was discovered that one of the fans had missing parts. The box developed a hole during shipment, and the pole for the fan fell out. Dn Charles went back to the airport
to see if the pole could be found. Thankfully it was found. Although the pole was recovered, it was later discovered that the screw cap for the fan was missing. Tann Heng brought Dn Charles to a spare parts shop, and in a box of old screw caps, there was one, and only one, that could fit. The fan was up and running in no time. The two fans were very useful and served us well.
Practical theology: The Lord allowed things to go wrong to teach us dependence on Him. When we sought Him in prayer, He helped us in our time of need. Through this He revealed that He was present with us to bless us as we did His work. We thus had the assurance that our time spent in Siem Reap would succeed and not be in vain.
Bee Heng, Yee Fong and Bun Kouy who took a later Jetstar flight arrived safely that night, on time for VBS the next day.
We thank God for the 80-plus children who came for the VBS during the three days. The programme started at 8am and ended at 2pm every day. The children were divided into two groups—juniors and teens. Jenny, Judy, Qiaoyan, Priscilla and Janelle took charge of the juniors while Joycelyn, Sok Sin, Katherine, Bee Heng and Yee Fong took charge of the teens. Tann Heng and Bun Kouy served as interpreters. Three Bible lessons were taught each day. There were two periods for art-and-craft and games. The art-and-craft as well as the games were geared towards reinforcing the Bible lessons taught. Lunch was provided for the children.
At the end of each day, clothes and stationery were given out. Many of the children came with dirty and tattered clothes. It was good to see some of them coming back wearing their new clothes. We pray the Lord to draw these children to Himself through the good news that was preached and the love of God that was shown. The Lord Himself said, “Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God.” (Mark 10:14).
Besides the VBS in Teaksan Tboung village where Word of Life BPC is located, we also visited Kouk Tout village about 40 minutes away to share the gospel. Tann Heng has been conducting a Sunday School every week in this village. We went to this village on Wednesday and Friday afternoon. About 20 children came to hear God’s Word. In our second visit, when the adults joined in, we had 40. We pray that more villages will open up and welcome Tann Heng to minister to them. The motorcycle and tuk-tuk (motorised 3-wheeler) True Life bought him (part of the funds for the latter came from Pr William Goh) have proven very useful in his evangelistic outreaches.
Dr Stefan Lehmann from Hamburg, Germany joined us on Friday. He had planned to visit Siem Reap during his university break. After hearing from Rev Hien (Brisbane BPC) that we were in Siem Reap, he immediately booked his flight to join us. Dr Lehmann attended Brisbane BPC when he was studying and working in Australia. Pastor got to know him when he was in Brisbane in 2009. Dr Lehmann is currently Professor of Engineering at Hamburg University. We are glad he could join us.
Saturday was a free day for some sightseeing and shopping. In the evening, Pastor, Dn Charles and Jenny attended the church prayer meeting. Pastor spoke on how to love our children. We do so by teaching them God’s Word (Deut 6:6–7), praying for their salvation (Matt 19:14), and chastising them when necessary (Prov 13:24).
On the Lord’s Day of September 10, we worshipped at Word of Life BPC. The Church conducts two Sunday services, one in the morning at 7am and another in the evening at 6pm. That morning, Pastor spoke from 1 Corinthians 11:23–32 on the what, why and how of Holy Communion which was served after the sermon. Pastor also conducted the baptism of Timothy, the three-month old baby of Pr Tann Heng and his wife Navi. This is their second child; their firstborn is Daniel now three years old. We pray for both sons to grow up to love the Lord Jesus and serve Him (Prov 22:6). We trust the Lord to bless their children with His saving grace according to His covenant promise (Acts 16:31).
We flew out Sunday afternoon and landed safely back in Singapore two hours later. Thank God for journey mercies all the way. God willing, we hope to visit Siem Reap again next year.
1 Goldhill Plaza, #03-35, S(308899) admin@truelifebpc.org.sg 6254 1287
© 2024 True Life Bible-Presbyterian Church