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(Ring Pastor Jeffrey Khoo 62561189 Anytime)

Vol. XIV No. 47
20 August 2017
“The LORD is in his holy temple: let all the earth keep SILENCE before him.”
Call WorshipDn Tan Beng Lee
Opening HymnWe’re Marching to Zion
Invocation/Gloria Patri
Responsive Reading1 Thessalonians 5:1–11
HymnWill Jesus Find Us Watching?
Offerings/HymnMaybe Today
Doxology/PrayerDn Tan Beng Lee
Scripture TextMark 13:32–37
Pastoral PrayerPastor Jeffrey Khoo
SermonPreparation, Not Prediction
(Pastor Jeffrey Khoo)
Lord’s Supper/HymnPrepare to Meet Thy God
BenedictionPastor Jeffrey Khoo

Report on the 23rd Anniversary Thanksgiving Service of Kemaman Life BPC, held on Friday, 7 July 2017

Dn Chan Kay Heem

On Thursday, 6 July 2017, Pastor Jeffrey Khoo, Mr and Mrs Eio Eng Hua, Sok Sin and I met at Changi Airport T2 to catch a flight to Kuantan. The one-hour flight to Kuantan was made on a Firefly turbo-propeller plane. On clearing immigration and customs, we were warmly greeted by Dr and Mrs Wee Tiong Soon, and Rev Lee Kim Shong. Rev Lee had arrived earlier on another flight from Kuala Lumpur.

We had fellowship over a delicious lunch at a coffee shop in Kuantan. We finally reached Kemaman by late afternoon. Pastor and Rev Lee stayed at the ‘Lighthouse’ while Mr and Mrs Eio, with Sok Sin and I stayed at Dr Wee’s house. The sumptuous dinner on Thursday night at the Lighthouse was prepared by Mrs Wee and we were joined by Preacher William Goh (Berean BPC) and sister Eileen Chee.

The ‘Lighthouse’ is a terrace house belonging to Dr Wee, which is currently used to accommodate preachers for the weekend as well as the venue for the children’s Sunday School. Eileen spent six weeks during the FEBC vacation, helping Dr and Mrs Wee in the administration of the church as well as teaching the children. She has also arranged a small library of Christian books and other related literature and put up suitable pictures and posters for the children’s Sunday School at the Lighthouse.

We adjourned to the church premises after dinner for Bible Study. The English Bible Study was led by Dr Wee and we studied Chapter 10 of the Book of Revelation, while Preacher William covered “Charges against Israel”, taken from Amos 2:10–16 for the Chinese group. We spent the rest of the evening after Bible study to prepare the church premises for the Thanksgiving service the next day.

After breakfast on Friday morning, led by Rev Lee and Mr Chin (a church member), we went on a short tour of a large ‘day’ market, which is the morning equivalent of our local night market (pasar malam). We also tried some local delicacies from the shops by the road side and bought some fish crackers. Friday afternoon was spent getting the church premises ready, transporting the food Mrs Wee and Selene (another church member) had prepared and picking up the children from their homes.

The English and Chinese congregations worship at a three-storey shop house in town. The 1st and 2nd floors are used for the Chinese and English worship services respectively while the 3rd floor has been left vacant, to be used as a parsonage when a suitable full-time pastor is found. Church members are generally of the older age group as the young adults have left for the city in search of jobs. The young children attending church have been invited to attend the church by word of mouth or when Dr and Mrs Wee see them at the clinic or shops. Many parents of these children are still unbelievers. The congregations are small, with attendance numbering about 10–13 each.

The 23rd Anniversary Thanksgiving Service of Kemaman Life Bible-Presbyterian Church on 7 July 2017 started promptly at 7.00pm and was chaired by Dr Wee (translated into Mandarin by Pr William). The Sunday School and Church Choirs each gave a heart-warming praise item.

Pastor’s sermon for the evening, “Serving the Lord before He Comes”, was taken from Matthew 25:14–30 and was translated to Mandarin by Rev Lee. About 70 adults attended the service downstairs and this comprised the combined congregations, the children’s parents and other guests. A number were also members working and living in the city who made their way back to Kemaman specially for this occasion. About 15 children had Children’s Worship upstairs and they were taught “Look to the Lamb of God” (Rev 19) by sister Eileen Chee.

We had warm fellowship over a sumptuous dinner prepared by church members and everyone was in a joyful and thankful spirit. The able-bodied each played a part in the washing, packing and tidying up of the place before we all went back late. Eileen had to catch an overnight coach back to Singapore.

Breakfast on Saturday morning was at Hai Peng, a coffee shop near the Lighthouse, which is famous for their nasi lemak. From there, we bid Pastor and Rev Lee farewell as they made their way to Calvary Jaya. Dr and Mrs Wee brought the rest of us to visit a turtle conservation centre before having an early lunch and sending us back to Kuantan to catch our flight back to Singapore.

My original idea of visiting Kemaman was to encourage the believers there, but instead, I found myself encouraged by the faith of Dr and Mrs Wee and other brethren. Dr and Mrs Wee have been serving in the church since their baptism 23 years ago, just before Rev John Ling returned to Kelapa Sawit. They have unselfishly given their energy, time and substance for the Lord’s work. I also see brethren, relatively young in the faith, serving fervently in the church.

Have we served the Lord as we ought? When Jesus returns, will we hear Him say “Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord.” (Matt 25:21)?

Let us remember to pray for the church in Kemaman, especially for a full-time pastor for the church, good health and strength for Dr and Mrs Wee as they continue serving the Lord, continued spiritual growth of the small church that they may always trust in the Lord for their needs, salvation of the children attending the church (as well as their parents), journey mercies for preachers from different like-minded churches going up each week.

Soli Deo Gloria!

23rd Anniversary Thanksgiving of Kemaman Life BPC

1 Goldhill Plaza, #03-35, S(308899)
6254 1287

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