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RELC Auditorium, 10.30 am

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(Ring Pastor Jeffrey Khoo 62561189 Anytime)

Vol. XIV No. 43
23 July 2017
“The LORD is in his holy temple: let all the earth keep SILENCE before him.”
Call to WorshipElder JT Joseph
Opening HymnStand Up for Jesus
Invocation/Gloria Patri
Responsive ReadingRevelation 13
HymnChrist for Me/Jesus Christ Is the Way
Music MinistryDeborah & Judith
Offerings/HymnDays of Toil and Waiting for Jesus
Doxology/PrayerElder JT Joseph
Scripture TextMark 13:14–23
Pastoral PrayerPastor Jeffrey Khoo
SermonReign of the Antichrist
(Pastor Jeffrey Khoo)
Closing HymnThere ’ll Be No Dark Valley
BenedictionPastor Jeffrey Khoo

FEBC reopened with a day of prayer on Monday, July 17, 2017. The Principal led in the singing of “psalms and hymns and spiritual songs” from Heavenly Melodies: Hymns, Choruses and Verses of Timothy Tow recently published. All students received a free copy. The hymnbook will be used every Monday morning at the Principal’s chapel. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.” (Col 3:16).

New Students

We thank the Lord for ten new full-time students (five men and five ladies). We have five from the Philippines—(1) Crisa Jane G Zagado, (2) Jenerose Brava Sagayoc, (3) Loreto Molhay Yubat, (4) Stephen Magbanua Gillegao, and (5) Theya Ba-a Lagapa; two from Myanmar—(6) Khun Seng Lahpai and (7) Myo Aung; and three from Singapore—(8) Cornelius Koshy, (9) Crayson Wong Pei Yu, and (10) Rachel Leong Ann Lee. Special mention goes to Cornelius who is the son of the Rev Dr Prabhudas Koshy—a member of FEBC’s Board and Faculty. Cornelius wrote a lengthy testimony of his salvation and call to ministry with much thoughtfulness and theology (which I intend to publish in The Burning Bush in due time). Rachel is the daughter of Elder John Leong of Tabernacle BPC who is the Secretary of FEBC’s Board of Directors. Cornelius and Rachel had just completed their studies at NUS and NTU respectively, and have been convicted by the Lord to consecrate themselves to full-time service. Cornelius will be studying for his MDiv and Rachel her MRE.

I must not fail to mention Theya who is the daughter of our Filipino preacher Dr Jose Lagapa. Theya who just completed High School and scored highly in her SAT will be studying for her BTh. Besides Theya, we have Crisa Jane who is the younger sister of Dr Lagapa’s wife—Celeste. Let me also mention Khun Seng who is the nephew of Dr Lazum Lonewah, an FEBC alumnus and pastor of a Myanmese Baptist Church in California. We welcome all our new students to the FEBC family.

True Life is supporting a total of 25 students this semester, 18 of whom are full-time: (1) Angela Park JongHwi, (2) Aprilaiza Saldivar Sible, (3) Choi Jeong Geun, (4) Cing Sian Lian, (5) Crayson Wong Pei Yu, (6) Crisa Jane G Zagado, (7) Deddy Crisno Manalu, (8) Jenerose Brava Sagayoc, (9) Khoo May Lynn, (10) Katharine Kiew, (11) Ra Chae Won, (12) Samuel Joseph, (13) Shobastian, (14) Mega Tuti Mawarniat Zega, (15) Priyakumar Butti, (16) Theya Ba-a Lagapa, (17) Xu Xiao Xian, and (18) Zhu Jian Wei. All the above receive a full scholarship including a monthly stipend of $200, except for Crayson who gets just the monthly stipend (her aunt is supporting her tuition and dining fees). There are seven online students from the Philippines: (19) Manuel Fabe Atinen, (20) Jonas Guanzon Ba-a, (21) Ricele Nacion Boniel, (22) Deneb Villanueva Ganancial, (23) Einstine Opiso, (24) Patria Solidum, and (25) Maggie Mae G Zagado.

New Staff

We also welcome a new staff to the College, our brother Samuel Goh who just earned his BTh from FEBC. Samuel is also trained in IT Media & Design. He will serve as an IT Support Specialist to assist on
IT matters. As such he is the college’s webmaster and data protection officer. His other duties include database processing, desktop typesetting and publishing, digitising and archiving print materials, editing audio-video lectures, facilitating distance learning, maintaining the college’s computer systems and PA equipment etc. Being theologically trained, our brother Samuel is also free to preach and teach whenever invited by any church or fellowship. The Lord desires and requires unconditional service from His servants.

Basic Theology for Everyone

The Basic Theology for Everyone (BTFE) night classes began on Monday night with the Rev Dr Quek Suan Yew teaching Old Testament History (Part I). Praise the Lord for over 200 who signed up for the course. The classes on Romans and Systematic Theology (Theism) on Thursday night are taught by the Rev Dr Prabhudas Koshy and me respectively. Thank God for good attendance as well. Dr Koshy’s class is held in the church sanctuary and mine is held in the FEBC Hall. It is not too late to sign up. Do come and study God’s Word. Cheers, no tears!

The Burning Bush

The latest issue of FEBC’s theological journal—The Burning Bush is out. Of interest is Samuel Eio’s article “Towards a Historical Understanding of the Doctrine of Biblical Preservation”. Please help yourself to a copy at the reception table.

Evangelistic Service

FEBC will hold a gospel rally on the Lord’s Day, July 30, at the FEBC Hall, 3pm. I will be preaching the good news from Proverbs 25:25, “As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country.” Do invite your family and friends to come and hear the gospel. JK

A Significant Semester

Dear Rev. Dr. Jeffrey Khoo (Principal), Rev. Dr. Quek Suan Yew (Academic Dean), Board Members, Mrs Tow (Matron), Lecturers, Administration Staff and Students of FEBC and families,

Greetings in the blessed Name of our risen Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Praying that today’s FEBC Day of Prayer be a blessed time as you embark upon studies in a new Academic Year and a “Significant Semester.”

At this time, 500 years ago Martin Luther having been saved by faith (Rom. 1:17) was likewise studying God’s Word. Luther was incensed by Dominican friar and preacher Johann Tetzel who was selling indulgences on behalf of the Roman Catholic Church in exchange for money, which supposedly allowed for remission of temporal punishment due to sin.

As many of you study, you may likewise be incensed by the exposing of false doctrine that you had previously learned. This is a good thing, and may you have the humility and courage to make the adjustments necessary, according to God’s Word.

When Martin Luther was saved, he came to understand the “Doctrine of Justification.” “For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith.” (Rom. 1:17; cf. Hab. 2:4; Gal. 3:11; Heb. 10:38).

In this “Significant Semester,” may you likewise understand the “Doctrine of Justification” and “Biblical Separation” as on the eve of your exams will be a great “Ecumenical Deception” (31st October 2017).

Many are deceived into believing the 16th Century Reformation was a mistake and the “Joint Declaration” regarding the “Doctrine of Justification” that Ratzinger played such a large role in during the late 90’s is further being progressed claiming that now we agree on that which we formally disagreed. After the Lutherans and Roman Catholics signed the document in 1999, the Methodists joined in 2006 and this year will see two Churches sign, starting now with the World Communion of Reformed Churches and the Anglican Church will also do so in October 2017.

May each one of you appreciate your studies at the Far Eastern Bible College in such a “Significant Semester.”

In His Service,

Rev. Errol D. Stone

More Greetings from Alumni

Dear Rev Dr Jeffrey Khoo, the FEBC Faculty and Students,

Greeting you in our Lord Jesus Christ’s holy Name.

We truly give thanks and praise to the Lord for His grace, protection, guidance and blessings upon FEBC over the years. We thank God for faithfully bringing more students to His school of prophets to learn His Truth.

We join with you in your prayer today. May the Lord our God, who is always faithful and the same, sovereign, almighty, all-knowing, gracious, holy and true, be with you, strengthen you, preserve you, and richly bless you and your teaching, training and studying based on the firm foundation of His divinely inspired and providentially preserved Word, the eternal Truth.

May the Lord use you as His faithful Witness and Lighthouse in our days of spiritual darkness full of compromise, confusion, deception, worldliness, ungodliness and apostasy.

Yours faithfully in Christ,

Hien Nguyen

Dear Dr. Khoo:

Tomorrow will be the opening day of prayer for the new semester of FEBC. Praying for all the lecturers, staff, and students both old and new. May our good Lord continue to keep and bless FEBC, and grant all of you a blessed and fruitful semester.

In Christ


Dear Professor,

Thank God for another Day of Prayer and another Semester. Our Providential Lord will surely bless faculty and students, so that His Name may be magnified again.

1 Cor 15:57–58,

Esther Chew

New FEBC Students

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6254 1287

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