30 Orange Grove Road, down Shangri-La Hotel, Singapore 258352
Mailing Address: 1 Goldhill Plaza, #03-35, Singapore 308899
Email: admin@truelifebpc.org.sg; Website: http://www.truelifebpc.org.sg
(Ring Pastor Jeffrey Khoo 62561189 Anytime)
“The LORD is in his holy temple: let all the earth keep SILENCE before him.” | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Dr Jose Lagapa
Praise the Lord for the increasing number of brethren who join the Filipino Evangelistic Band every Lord’s Day at Orchard Road. The Lord Jesus Christ commissions every Christian to evangelize, “And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen” (Matt 28:18–20). The command is for the believers to become witnesses of the Lord Jesus Christ and to testify of His saving power.
Only Way to Heaven
How shall we fulfill this command of God to share the good news of salvation in and through the Lord Jesus Christ? First, we need to be convinced that it is a command from God and we have to do it. We should pray and ask God to give us the love and pity for our own countrymen who will perish in the unquenchable Lake of Fire if they do not believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. We must understand that we were like them before who walked in the path towards destruction but God rescued us by using people to tell us the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Now, we believe it is our turn to be used by God to bring others into the way towards heaven!
Hear the Gospel
One means is to invite our friends to come and hear the Word of God. The Bible declares in Romans 10:17, “So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” They must hear and understand the Bible so that they can have the right kind of faith in the living and true God. If you are free on Sundays 12.45–1.45pm, join some of the brethren of the Filipino Bible Fellowship who regularly distribute tracts and witness along Orchard Road. You can join us and observe how we approach our countrymen and share the gospel to them.
Patience and Prayer
There are varied reactions from those we speak to—some are annoyed, others are unresponsive, many just receive the tracts, a few give time to listen to our sharing. Whatever be their responses, it is good to continue our evangelism as most of our countrymen are still in Roman Catholic bondage or are victims of the Charismatic confusion. We need to share with them the truth of God’s Word. Jesus said, “I say unto you, that likewise joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth, more than over ninety and nine just persons, which need no repentance” (Luke 15:7).
There are those who foolishly imagine they need not to repent. Of course we should not force them. Let us be patient with them. They are still blind to the truth. Let us continue to pray for them. If you wish to pray for them, let me know so that you can be included in our prayer list. That is the best we can do for salvation is of the Lord (Jon 2:9).
“But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them” (2 Tim 3:14).
The second part of Systematic Theology I (Theism) was taught in March, 13–16, 2017 as a continuation of the Bible-Equipping Seminar and Training (BEST) conducted last December. Forty students who took it the last time returned to take the 15-hour module to complete Theism, plus 16 new students. Thirty-two students took the final examination. The classes were held in the University Food and Lodging Services (UFLS) of Central Mindanao University (CMU), Musuan, Bukidnon, the Philippines, a university which is centrally located in the island of Mindanao.
The lessons taught included the doctrines of the Bible, Creation, Providence, Sevenfold Will of God, and a revision of what had been discussed last December. The requirements included the reading of the book Theology for Every Christian (pp62–123) by the Rev Drs Timothy Tow and Jeffrey Khoo. In addition, a sermon outline from any Bible passage mentioned during the class was assigned. To teach them sermon outlining, a sample outline was given for every sermon preached during chapel time before the morning classes.
Ambassadors for Christ
Noteworthy was the students’ own initiative in organizing a “Soul-Winning” team which they dubbed “Ambassadors for Christ.” Majority of the pastors were involved and all of them agreed to help one another during their evangelism activities. As the pastors come from small churches, cooperation with other like-minded churches during evangelism campaigns is practiced. They have scheduled evangelism activities for each church in the coming months. They would preach repentance from sin and faith alone in the Lord Jesus Christ. We thank God for the timely provision of a Cebuano tract printed here in Singapore at very low cost!
Cebuano KJV
The responses of many pastors are promising as they desire to learn more in order to feed their flock and train up future leaders for their outreaches. Although, most of them struggle with their support, they are zealous in church-planting and pioneering works in areas where there are no Bible-believing churches. Their love for the inspired and preserved Word of God is encouraging as they heartily welcome the Cebuano translation of the Bible from the KJV. It is at this time, as far as I know, the most faithful and complete translation nearest to the inspired and preserved original text in the Cebuano language.
Prayer for Protection
It is our prayer that the Lord deliver them from the modernistic doctrines and practices now invading the fundamental churches in the Philippines. There are also sects and cults preying on underpaid pastors with their offers of financial support. Please pray also for peace and order in the Philippines for the gospel’s sake. May the Lord preserve these remnant pastors who are despised as untrained by many to serve Him actively and faithfully in their own little ways. Pray they be labourers who “have been with Jesus”. Pray they would use their God-given talents for His glory and honour!
Literature Distribution
Sincere thanks to Pastor Jeffrey Khoo and the Session of True Life Bible-Presbyterian Church for kind permission to go for this mission trip. Thanks also to Far Eastern Bible College for copies of The Burning Bush theological journal, to Calvary Pandan BPC for the RPG devotionals and to Gethsemane BPC for the Bible Witness magazines. Praises and thanksgiving to God for Hokkaido Bible Center, Japan, Mrs Anne Lim and her Bible study group, Dn Mern Yee Tai and family and many others who in one way or another have contributed much to the equipping of this “little band of preachers” of the Lord Jesus Christ. May the Lord continue to bless you!
Christian Students Fellowship
The Christian Students Fellowship is a campus-based ministry in Central Mindanao University (CMU). The Fellowship received the Bible Witness magazine and Teens RPG. The Fellowship advisers are Dr Einstine Opiso and Prof Patria Solidum (both online FEBC students).
The students participated in the True Life BPC’s Young People’s Bible Conference last December 2016 held in CMU with the theme, “Be Not Unequally Yoked!” Other participants from the local churches in Mindanao also received copies of the Teens RPG and Bible Witness magazine.
We praise and thank the Lord for the literature shared to the young people in Mindanao, Philippines. We trust the Lord to use these to help them grow in their faith and be kept from the snares of this sinful world.
Deaf Ministry in Manila
Recently, deaf brethren from the Philippines visited Singapore and had a fruitful meeting with the Rev Dr Das Koshy, pastor of Gethsemane BPC. Gethsemane is now praying to start a mission station in Manila with a group of 20 deaf Christians who desire to come out of the Charismatic church. The leaders of this group understand the fundamental and reformed doctrines through Calvary Jaya BPC’s deaf ministry under Elder Chan Wan Fook. Praise the Lord for open doors for missions and ministry (Rev 3:8).
[Ed: Dr Lagapa and his family will be visiting Mindanao again in May (8–25) to conduct the next BEST, Teens Bible Day Camp, and Vacation Bible School. Elder Douglas Ho and his daughter Tammy, both FEBC graduates, are joining them.]
1 Goldhill Plaza, #03-35, S(308899) admin@truelifebpc.org.sg 6254 1287
© 2024 True Life Bible-Presbyterian Church