30 Orange Grove Road, down Shangri-La Hotel, Singapore 258352
Mailing Address: 1 Goldhill Plaza, #03-35, Singapore 308899
Email: admin@truelifebpc.org.sg; Website: http://www.truelifebpc.org.sg
(Ring Pastor Jeffrey Khoo 62561189 Anytime)
“BLESS the LORD, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless his holy name” | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
FEBC started the New Year with a day of prayer on January 3, 2017. Thank God all the students managed to return to school on time for this most important day of the semester. We praise the Lord for all Board, Faculty, staff, students, alumni and friends who came to pray with and for the College.
The Rev Dr Park Seung Kyu (PhD, Kyung Hee University; ThD, FEBC), Principal of the Bible College of East Africa (Tanzania), delivered God’s Word from Romans 1:1–7. He spoke on how as servants called of God, we are “separated unto the gospel” and need to be united in doctrine and spirit to serve God harmoniously. He is thankful that his wife Chae Won (who holds a PhD and just quit her job as an accounting professor in a Korean university) and daughter Jong Hwi (who just turned 16 and passed her high school exams with flying colours) have enrolled as students of FEBC to prepare themselves for future ministry and missionary work.
College Matron Mrs Ivy Tow who has been with FEBC since its founding in 1962 (54 years ago), encouraged the students to persevere in their studies and claim the promises of God in Joshua 1:8–9, Psalm 34:10, Deuteronomy 3:22, Proverbs 3:5–6, 12, Isaiah 41:10, 13.
This semester, we have a total of 11 new full-time students—seven Koreans (Choi Jeong Geun, Im Joseph, Kim Mi Kyung, Kwak Ji Hye, Park Jong Hwi, Ra Chae Won, Sim Myung Hyun), three Indians (Aron Paiva, Priyakumar Butti, Sujitha Henry Moses), and one Singaporean (Li Qicheng Kelvin) from Berith BPC.
The faculty has two new tutors in Jose Lagapa (DVM, Central Mindanao University; PhD, Hokkaido University; MDiv, ThM, FEBC) and Joycelyn Chng (B Eng, NUS; MDiv, FEBC). Both took the Dean Burgon Oath before all. Jose teaches the Book of Acts, and Joycelyn teaches Hymnology.
Here are kind greetings from:
Rev Errol Stone
(Perth, Australia)
Greetings in the blessed Name of our risen Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
Praying that the January 2017 FEBC “Day of Prayer” be a blessed time and the commencement of the final semester of the 2016/17 Academic Year. Also that it be a fruitful semester in the Lord.
I am thankful to the Lord for theological studies at FEBC and continuing studies through FEBC, both online and at the DVBC when possible. As a result of FEBC studies I have the privilege of being the editor of the Faith and Freedom magazine since 2009. The Faith and Freedom magazine for some 52 years is a record of Church history, which warns against apostasy, exhorts the needful but much despised doctrine of Biblical separation, in business, in private life, and ecclesiastically. The King James Bible is the only Bible that has been advocated throughout the 52 years because of its faithfulness and preservation by God.
Throughout the years churches have been influenced by many pagan and cultish practices and leaders have been easily influenced and deceived and in like manner have deceived others. Many influences have been from outside of the church, which has affected and in many cases caused a deviation from faithfulness within.
The Apostle Peter in 1st Peter spoke about sufferings (persecution) from an external source, whilst 2nd Peter speaks about persecution from an internal source. The Apostle Peter concluded his second epistle by saying: “Ye therefore, beloved, seeing ye know these things before, beware lest ye also, being led away with the error of the wicked, fall from your own stedfastness” (2 Pet 3:17).
Eld & Mrs Harold Watkins
(Perth, Australia)
We praise and thank God as you begin another semester of faithful teaching and service to our Blessed Redeemer.
As you open with a day of prayer and thanksgiving tomorrow, we pray for another blessed year and give thanks for the new students called to study.
We thank God for His calling us to “Stand Behind” Rev Errol Stone when he was called to study at FEBC in 1994. Little did any of us know what was ahead of us but we knew God’s hand was guiding us.
Having struggled for many years against rising apostasy in mainline churches throughout our district, and having travelled countless kms to worship in a church where the truth was being preached, we finally had to come to terms with the fact that this church also was slipping into apostate worship. Our challenges were met by a letter from an elder warning us not to continue promoting the KJV to members. Our first visit to Singapore in February 1995 opened our eyes to the depths of the doctrine of Biblical Separation as 2 Cor 6:17,18 were opened to us with clarity. God be praised.
Today almost 22 years since that visit, we view Singapore as our second home and the brethren and sisters there as our beloved ‘family’. That first visit remains a watershed and precious memory in our Christian walk, service and experience and we are still humbled by God’s grace and mercy to us and the way in which the saints have embraced and supported us throughout those years.
Daily we pray for you all and for the Lord to keep us faithful and strengthen us to continue to serve Him “Till He Comes”.
May our Almighty God continue to bless FEBC as you fight the Good Fight of Faith and uphold the Truth, preparing men and women to go forth and serve the Lord wherever He calls (Matt 28:18–20).
Rev Nguyen Gia Hien
(Brisbane, Australia)
Greetings to you in our Lord Jesus Christ’s blessed Name.
I am really thankful to God for His gracious work, guidance, protection and blessings upon FEBC over the years.
I also thank God for opening a door for me to come back to my Alma Mater for the in-ministry DRE for His holy purpose, using me to revise the Traditional Vietnamese Bible for my Vietnamese people with the approval of the Trinitarian Bible Society. All thanks, praise and glory be to the Lord alone.
May the Lord our God continue to be with you, strengthen you, keep you, and richly bless you and this new semester.
Rev Reggor Galarpe
(Cebu, Philippines)
“For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace” (Isa 9:6).
Greetings to you in our Lord’s Most Blessed Name from Cebu, Philippines! Here’s greeting you and your family; the church and FEBC a “Blessed Christmas and a Joyous New Year!”
In this season of the year as we remember and rejoice at the birth of our Lord and Saviour, I also rejoice in the Lord for the bond and fellowship we have in the ministry of the gospel. Looking forward to the New Year, may we press on in our labors in the work of the ministry with renewed zeal and fervor, all for the glory of His Name!
Kindly extend our greetings to Mrs Tow and all our brethren at True Life and FEBC! Thank you and God bless!
Sun Sokha
(Phnom Penh, Cambodia)
Greetings to you in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Thank you for your sincere prayers for Nam Soon. Now she is getting better and we hope she can get well completely soon so that she can be more effective for the work of our Lord.
We thank the Lord for His grace and mercies toward us. The Lord has done so many good things in our lives this whole year: We can serve Him for the whole year in our church, He has brought many souls to hear His Word and some were converted into His fold. Dormitory has been built for the sake of the students from the provinces to come, stay and learn His precious Word with us. An opportunity to preach His Word to Cambodian workers in Korea, time to spread the Good News to the three new cell groups in three villages nearby our church and the special celebration of His Birth and more. To God be the glory! We are undeserved to do anything good for Him at all. It is by His grace alone.
This season was a blessed time and a testing/training time. Though my wife was not well for a while, I felt that the Lord has sent many friends to pray for us. Through these we received much comfort, grace and blessings.
We are looking forward to the Watchnight Service to see how the Lord will guide and lead us for the New Year. We thank you for your encouragement, prayer, love, and love gifts to extend His kingdom as well.
Happy New Year 2017 to you, your family and True Life BP Church and FEBC.
Esther Chew
(Toronto, Canada)
Wish Matron, Principal and family a blessed Christmas and good health, peace and joy in the New Year! Thank God for carrying my beloved alma mater through another semester, and enabling the Faculty and students a good rest and ministry during the vacation. Praying God’s blessings for the new semester and the new students. Thank God for His manifold mercies and wonderful providence.
Li Yahui
(Henan, China)
Today is the opening day of prayer for the new semester, pray for all the lecturers, staffs and students. May our good Lord keep and bless FEBC, and grant all of you a blessed and fruitful semester.
Thank God for the love of True Life BPC for the Bibles. Thank God that they have been a blessing to the brethren here.
1 Goldhill Plaza, #03-35, S(308899) admin@truelifebpc.org.sg 6254 1287
© 2024 True Life Bible-Presbyterian Church