Back to 2024 Filipino Worship Service Weekly List

True Life Bible-Presbyterian Church

On Sundays, 10.30am, at RELC Level 6, Room 605.
Please contact Bro Jose Lagapa: 81853623 anytime.

Mahal na mga Kapatid at Kaibigan,

Welcome po sa Filipino Worship Service!

I can still remember almost 3 decades ago, I was told to apply a scholarship in Japan. Every lecturer in the University where I taught was encouraged to upgrade by studying a post-graduate study. It is still clear in my mind how I did not have the desire to go. One of the obvious reasons was the language barrier. Ironically, I was supposed to have the gift of “speaking in tongues” at that time where I was still active in the charismatic movement (“Singles for Christ”) of the Roman Catholic Church. However, I wanted to go to an English-speaking country to study!

Yet, it was the will of God that I did not have any other options but Japan as my destination. I had no idea that the Lord sent me there not just to study but to meet an American missionary who would lead me to the Lord Jesus Christ. Yes, I was born in the Philippines, but I was born again in Japan – a country where there are more foreign missionaries than local believers, a place where less than 1% are Bible-believing Christians, a land known as a missionary's graveyard!

The missionary I met is The Rev Dr Robert Lee Kluttz. He was one of the soldiers of General Douglas MacArthur during World War II. Pastor Bob is now 98 years old (born on 1926) and is fighting more than three kinds of cancer. He was used by God not only to let me know Christ but also to serve God. I always remember His military voice telling me that if I am really burdened to serve the Lord, I must be trained. He further told me that he has no other Bible College to recommend for me to go and study but only the Far Eastern Bible College.

Indeed, as he always reminded me “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose” (Romans 8:28). I do not regret how God led me here to Singapore. The ministry for the Filipinos is one of the most precious privilege the Lord gave me to serve. I pray He will sustain this ministry. God can raise up people to continue the work. This is the Lord’s work and He has always some workers to fulfill His good plan. May we remain faithful unto the Lord until He comes again! - JTGL


Theya Lagapa

The verse that God used to call me into the ministry is from Matthew 6:10, which says, “Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.” However, in my recent trip to Hokkaido with my sister, my calling verse was reiterated to me in the form of Luke 22:42b “nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done.

I have to be honest that I felt impatient towards God. Right after graduating from FEBC, I worked on getting my visa to Japan as we planned to hold an activity for the children on a certain holiday in November. But it just didn’t work out. I was trying my best to get all the documents and they were not easy, nor free. It was not God’s will yet, and I was very disappointed. I remember that when I turned 25 last year, I had a wishful thinking that I could have spent that day in the land that I was born. Yet, this dream was so far from reality as I knew for the fact that there was no visa. At this time, I was doubtful, dejected at how things were turning out. Was I really called to serve Him there? Or was it all my own desire?

Looking back, I regret all the doubt that I had towards God. Yes, I couldn’t spend my 25th birthday there but little did I know that exactly 6 months later (March 9), I would be on a plane that would land in Sapporo. God had His timing. The Lord made the path smooth in my second attempt of applying for a visa. It was also approved faster than I imagined, after 2 weeks! I couldn’t help but jump and squeal with joy when I received the news. I couldn’t believe that I would be able to return after 5 years.

The visa allowed us to stay in Japan for 15 days. But I only wanted to use up 5 days fully dedicated to visit my dear Grandpa Bob. Yamazaki san at the same time kept inviting us to also visit the church in Abashiri. At first, I was quite against it because I felt that it would take up time to travel up when my main priority was Grandpa Bob. Yet, it was agreed in the end that we would use up 12 days, 7 days in Abashiri and 5 days in Sapporo. Again, I regret having those thoughts as our week in Abashiri turned to be so wonderful as we fellowshipped with the believers there.

The original plan was that my sister and I would travel over with my father as it would be FEBC’s midterm break. Again, this was not God’s will. My father’s visa application to Japan was delayed because the Embassy’s system was down, though usually it would just take a maximum of 5 days. I was stressed when I received this news. This meant that my sister and I would have to navigate everything on our own. I was also scared because it also meant that I would have to be the spokesman. Usually, my role was to enjoy myself and let father speak to those who approach and enquire on us. With no father around, I knew that somehow, I would have to answer anyone who would come and speak to me in Japanese. For me, I travelled to Japan with fear and trembling though I knew that many were praying for us. God’s better plan was that I would be exposed and forced to speak in Japanese and I can say that 12 days of nothing but Japanese, improved my ability to speak the language. Even I myself am surprised at how much I could converse and how they could understand me. I acknowledge that it was all God’s wisdom and help.

I really thank God for His leading in my life. I believe that He opened this door for me to deepen my desire to serve there. As we fellowshipped with Grandpa Bob, met another missionary, shared my burden and desire to the believers there, the message was loud and clear, not my will but God’s will should be followed. I was thankful also for their reception when I shared my desire to serve in their land. There was a point that I thought, maybe they will not receive me there as I am only a lowly, young Filipino, from a 3rd world country. Most of the missionaries there are aged Americans and New Zealanders to whom they look up and respect to. However, those whom I shared my desire with welcomed me with such joy. They would say, “please come and help us.” “If it is God’s will, come and share the Gospel with us.” My heart was comforted and I couldn’t believe my ears.

Please pray for the believers in Japan. They are really in the minority and it can be discouraging. Please pray for their faith and that they would continue to share the Gospel whether by word or testimony. Please pray that God will save more precious souls among the Japanese. Please pray for me that I will be sensitive to God’s will. I am not sure yet how I will be able to stay in Japan and minister there. But I believe He has the best plan and I don’t want to come up with my own plan. Truly, not my will but God’s will be done!

1 Goldhill Plaza, #03-35, S(308899)
6254 1287

© 2024 True Life Bible-Presbyterian Church