Back to 2024 Filipino Worship Service Weekly List

True Life Bible-Presbyterian Church

On Sundays, 10.30am, at RELC Level 6, Room 605.
Please contact Bro Jose Lagapa: 81853623 anytime.

Mahal na mga Kapatid at Kaibigan,

Welcome po sa Filipino Worship Service!

Starting today, we shall begin the study of the Book of Acts. After going through the Gospels of Matthew and John, the Lord must have prepared our hearts to move on to study the life of the believers of Christ! May the Lord teach us wonderful things out of this book and encourage us to be His witnesses even “unto the uttermost part of the earth!” (Acts 1:8).


In Romans 16, the Apostle Paul greeted more than 20 people who were his acquaintances, friends and co-labourers. I am not Paul, but I think it is Biblical to mention names to encourage people in the work. Although all of us know that we serve the Lord not for our names to be praised and acknowledged by men but for the love of God. Yet, just like Paul, I cannot hold off from greeting many of you who are encouragements to the work of the Lord. God has placed you in the Filipino worship not for any other reason but for His glory and honour. Your presence and words of kindness (and sometimes with “Filipino lame jokes”) are here according to the Lord’s purpose. It is not by accident nor by coincidence that you are serving with us. May the Lord continue to bless you in your service to Him because you love Him for He first loved you. Please do not think that those who are mentioned first are more important than others. All of you are equally significant in God’s work.

Ate Wella, of course was in the Filipino ministry even before all of us, and we thank God for her patience and generosity to us. Although she is not really well in the body, we pray that her spiritual growth will continue to go on. Natalia, her daughter, is a big help to our singing of praise to the Lord! Even, Brother Junni, her husband is providing help in transporting our lunch packets.

Melgie and Joanna have been with us since the start of the then FilBF. We are thankful to the Lord that though they are from the Baptist denomination, they still come to learn about Bible-Presbyterianism and live out what they have learned. Reema came to join us in the pandemic time, but that did not prevent her from coming regularly even though her employer has left for another church. Glory Mae adds joy whenever she is around. May the Lord open the door for her to be with us more often.

Erma and Gina came also in the midst of the pandemic. They make us laugh sometimes louder than we usually do. Erma’s presence is a comfort to many that in spite of a difficult working situation, she still remains in the Lord. Through them came Melchie, and we praise God for her! She was absent for quite a while, but a child of God will always return to the flock where she has been assigned to. Praise the Lord! Giegie is truly an encouragement. Yes, two others were baptized together with her, but only she remained to faithfully come and join us. May the Lord continue to strengthen her faith. Chris is also another such case, and it is a comfort that she still continued on. May God grant her the healing of her physical infirmities.

Gloria started coming a few years back, and we are glad to see her regularly in the Worship Service. May the Lord bless her with grace and mercy. I thank God also for Edelyn and Jennifer who come to join us even if their workplaces are far from RELC. It’s a joy to see again those who have been with us in the past but keep in touch when they return to Singapore after going back to Philippines for a while.

Testimony of Calling

Of course, Ate Fe is a blessing to us all with her calm and peaceful countenance. I can see her full confidence in God’s leading for her life. Thank God she can be with us for more years! Cherry’s presence is an added cheer to many, especially when her husband and son are here and give us the joy of what it means to be a family. Tessie is a comfort to many for how the Lord has sustained her when she was struggling to understand a difficult experience in her life. May she find peace and joy as she worships with us from time to time. Ronalyn and her sister Agnes, in spite of their work schedules, always find us here every time they are able to.

I should not miss to mention our FEBC students. The Lord brought them here to Singapore not only to study God’s Word but also as servants of the God of the Word. Andrew, Ric and Fredo are the “muscles” of the group. Thank God for their ready service for Him. May the Lord keep them humble that though it may seem like it is menial work, the Lord Jesus who is our example “took upon him the form of a servant.” May the Lord use the experiences they go through here as part of their learning when the time comes for them to be pastors in the future. The sisters are equally important — Mayang and Cha-cha — are the Lord’s provision for the many preparations that we have to do in serving the Lord. May their humble submission to the Lord be honoured as the Lord someday grant them husband-Pastors to submit and assist to in serving the Lord, if He wills! We cannot miss out Ernie. Though she struggled to understand my English and Tagalog, she still comes to encourage us! Sophia should also be mentioned because she is always helping in the preparation even when everyone else is not yet around.

Celina of Calvary Pandan BPC is helping us in translating our Tagalog RPG. She is leading the Filipino Fellowship in that church. May the Lord use them to bring more Filipinos to the saving grace of Christ.

I should not forget Joel and Sam who are in the PA and piano ministry, respectively. May the Lord grant them the joy in service. We are very honoured to have them serving with us. I know we do not deserve the favour, but thank the Lord for their labour of love.

It is a privilege to mention our Pastor also, the Rev Dr Jeffrey Khoo, who understands us in many of our shortcomings and failures. We thank God that he was with us when we were about to be erased. Indeed, the Lord preserved us through His faithful servant. Thank God for Sister Eileen, Pastor’s wife and daughter. Charity is truly a joy to us, too. How I pray she will be a missionary to the Philippines! Our preachers also deserve to be greeted for their faithfulness in preparing the Word. Elder Tan Nee Keng and Pr Yap Yee Kin have been consistently with us and others in the past year.

My family is the Lord’s great blessing to me, having called all of us to service. I thank the Lord that they stick with me though I have many failures and am not up to the standard. I thank the Lord for their invaluable help not only in the ministry but above all in my spiritual life.

There may be others whom I missed but surely the Lord knows how you have been co-labouring with us in the ministry to the Filipinos. Interestingly, the Apostle Paul warned us that as we unite together in Christ let us be aware of the enemy’s attack against God’s people. “Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them. For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple. For your obedience is come abroad unto all men. I am glad therefore on your behalf: but yet I would have you wise unto that which is good, and simple concerning evil. And the God of peace shall bruise Satan under your feet shortly. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. Amen.” (Romans 16:17–20)

Then, Paul concluded with a solemn exaltation of the glory of God. “The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen. Now to him that is of power to stablish you according to my gospel, and the preaching of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery, which was kept secret since the world began, But now is made manifest, and by the scriptures of the prophets, according to the commandment of the everlasting God, made known to all nations for the obedience of faith: To God only wise, be glory through Jesus Christ for ever. Amen.” (Romans 16:24–27).

1 Goldhill Plaza, #03-35, S(308899)
6254 1287

© 2024 True Life Bible-Presbyterian Church