Back to 2024 Filipino Worship Service Weekly List

True Life Bible-Presbyterian Church

On Sundays, 10.30am, at RELC Level 6, Room 605.
Please contact Bro Jose Lagapa: 81853623 anytime.

Mahal na mga Kapatid at Kaibigan,

Welcome po sa Filipino Worship Service!

Last week was our 1st Anniversary thanksgiving as a Worship Service. Let us not forget the challenge that the Lord gave us. We have to be more prayerful as we received a bigger and wider command to reach out for more of our Kababayans that they may know the saving grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. Let us grab this privilege to serve God who gave us His only begotten Son to redeem us from the condemnation in hell and eternal Lake of Fire. Our lifelong service is not even enough to express our thanksgiving for the salvation that our Saviour and Lord did for us on the cross of Calvary. We are trusting that He will be with us to help us even until the end of this age, “lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.” (Matthew 28:20b).

Testimonies of Charlyn Mampo Julian

Testimony of Salvation

My name is Charlyn M Julian. I am 19 years old, and I come from Davao City. It is my pleasure to share to you, my story. I was born and raised in a Christian family in La Paz, Agusan del Sur. My grandparents were Christians. Both my grandparents were pastors on my mother's side. My mother is a Christian and my elder half-sister was a pastor also. When I was a child, my parents took me to church, taught me about God and showed me Jesus Christ. I grew up in church and from a young age, I was involved in different activities and ministries in our church.

In 2016, my parents decided to move to Davao City. That was one of the painful moments in my life because I had to leave my home and friends in La Paz, Agusan del Sur. Honestly, moving to a new place made me upset. I was not comfortable with the environment or the place that I had to live in. Furthermore, I did not know anybody yet. I hated the noisy environment and maybe it was also because I am typically sensitive to noise as I am an introverted person. I love being alone to protect myself from the noises that stresses me or from those who drained me. I do not want to mingle with people who love gossiping. I only reserve my time for those who love to talk about the goodness of God.

One Sunday morning, I went to church with my family. There, I met Pastor Julian Bati-on who became my mentor. He is the one who helped me mature spiritually. When I met Pastor Bati-on, I changed a lot. He changed my view and perspective about life. He taught me that I need to apply what I have learned from the Bible. He said that if I want to remain close to Jesus, I also need to talk to others about my faith. Talking to others about Jesus and His purpose is the most important thing I can do. It made me realize that telling others about God is a wonderful privilege. Sharing God's Word can also benefit both me and those who listen to me because I can help others and myself draw close to Jesus and to know how to have everlasting life.

It took me a year to adjust and finally make friends — friends whom I like, friends whom I get along with and who get along with me. They are friends who have been kind with qualities I admire. A variety of brothers and sisters who did their best to worship God. Two years had passed since I repented from all my sins and accepted Jesus Christ into my heart and life as my personal Lord and Savior. At the age of 18, my whole life and eternity changed. I was baptized by immersion through Pastor Julian Bati-on. The changes that I need to make in my life can be compared to taking off the old clothes and putting on new ones. The Bible says that you need to “Lie not one to another, seeing that ye have put off the old man with his deeds; And have put on the new man, which is renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created him:” (Colossians 3:9–10).

Being a Christian is not always easy. Satan was really after my mind and heart. Satan uses many different methods to try to stop me from being God’s servant. He attacks “as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: “(1 Peter 5:8). I choose to obey God and be His loyal servant even if I make big changes in my life to become God’s servant. It is the best decision I can ever make in my whole life. During this time, I enjoyed my life as a Christian. I started sharing the Word of God and disciple people. And now, God is still moulding me to continue to show me His path for my life.

Testimony of Calling

As a follower of God, I became committed to serve and live for the Lord. I always had the desire to serve God. I believe that He has a plan for my life. God is calling me to follow Him. As I continued to serve God. I became a youth president in our church (Southern Baptist Church, SBC) and I was active in the youth ministry, musically and in leadership. I started teaching Sunday school in our church. In Mark 16:15, “And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” I shared my faith with others and I was teaching in youth groups during Junior High School.

When I was in Senior High School, I enrolled at Davao Vision College. I enjoyed my senior high school life with my friends. Before graduation, we planned our futures to become all professional. It was my dream to become a doctor, but that dream of mine changed because of financial problems. Then it made me realize that everything happens for a reason, and God made all things work together for our own good. I know everything is in His plan, and He will provide the best for us. God has a better plan for me. So, I prayed fervently and asked God’s guidance to open a new door of opportunity to study theology in Singapore. Then I prayed to God, whether He was really calling me for this. There were fears, doubts and frustrations. But still, I hoped and started to pray to God again and asked, “Lord, am I deserving of this calling? Why me? Why are you still calling me? I am not worthy.” But at the end of my prayer, I ended up saying “Lord, please send me. I am willing. During those times, God taught me to be humbler and more dependent on Him.

I cannot say I know what the future holds or what will be welcoming me someday. But I never stopped dreaming of more through all the ups and down that I have experienced. I know God is with me in every situation of my life. Maybe I am not where I thought I would be — to become a doctor. But I know I am where I am meant to be. Many times, I refused the call of the Lord, but now I realize that God has called me to be His servant. I want to study in Far Eastern Bible College (FEBC) because I love the work of the Lord and I am always anticipating what He is going to do next in my life and ministry. I am truly grateful to God for what He has done in my life.

“Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ:” (Philippians 1:6).

1 Goldhill Plaza, #03-35, S(308899)
6254 1287

© 2024 True Life Bible-Presbyterian Church