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RELC Auditorium, 10.30 am

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Vol. XIV No. 34
21 May 2017
“The LORD is in his holy temple: let all the earth keep SILENCE before him.”
Call to WorshipElder JT Joseph
Opening HymnAnd Can It Be That I Should Gain?
Invocation/Gloria Patri
Responsive ReadingPsalm 5
HymnLead Me, Savior
Offerings/HymnTake the World, but Give Me Jesus
Doxology/Pastoral PrayerElder JT Joseph
Scripture TextProverbs 1:10–19
Sermon“Guard against Greed”
(Dr Jose Lagapa)
Closing HymnYield Not to Temptation
Closing PrayerDr Jose Lagapa

God’s Infinite Mercy

I grew up in a Chinese idol-worshipping family. My parents were very religious and we would pray at the temple every first and fifteenth day of the Chinese calendar, waking up at 5am to be among the first to visit the temple when it opens. I was also adopted by a Chinese medium, with my parents believing that the gods will protect and bless me.

The gods which I was familiar with were either fearsome-looking idols in the temple, or mediums controlled by some spirits performing supernatural feats. They were like mythical characters from Chinese folklore, with many types of gods but ruled by one Jade Emperor. These gods, including the chief god, were vulnerable and imperfect. In fact, they were very much like humans, and I believed my conduct was better than some of them as I was a well-behaved boy.

I was exposed to Christianity when I was in primary school. One of my neighbours was a Christian family and I could sense the difference in the family. They did not seem to be bound by any superstition nor did they need to perform any ritual.

My school teacher, who is a Christian, gave me a positive influence about the religion. But I did not know what Christianity was about as no one shared with me. But in my heart, I was ever ready to become a Christian because of my good impression of Christians. I also believe God was already working in my life and preparing me for salvation. So when my sisters shared with me about Christ and how He died for my sins, I readily accepted. I was in Sec 2. I continually received Christ several times as no one taught me about my faith and I did not grow.

This changed when I went to the Singapore Polytechnic and was reassured about my faith from the Bible. I grew spiritually and had many opportunities to reflect on my life before and after receiving Christ.

First, I now know that God is a personal Being who becomes my heavenly Father when I receive Christ. He loves me unconditionally and is someone I can approach about anything in my life. He is unlike the gods I prayed to before, whom I related to on a transactionary basis. These gods were to be feared and appeased through constant prayers and offerings, or approached only when we encounter a problem that needed to be solved.

Secondly, I considered myself a well-behaved boy when I was young. My parents and relatives often praised me for my good behavior. But when I became a Christian, I learn that my “goodness” are as “filthy rags” before God. My actions may be “good”, but I realised my intentions, motives and attitudes can often be questionable even though I manage to maintain a positive facade. I have learnt that I have to depend on the righteousness of Christ instead of my own goodness because whatever “righteousness” I have can never stand up to His scrutiny.

I thank God for drawing me to Him since a young age despite growing up in a family deep in idol and ancestor worship. It is indeed by God’s infinite mercy and love that I can come to know Him personally and be made righteous before Him. Aw Beng Teck

Because of His Saving Grace

I was brought up in an environment where my parents claimed to be Christians. They were not regular in church. Neither was I taught the Word of God nor have I heard the gospel. I vaguely remember attending Sunday School classes in a Charismatic church. I cannot remember if I have learnt anything relating to the gospel or even feel the need for salvation. Gradually, my parents stopped attending church. Due to my young age and lack of godly influence, I did not feel the need to have Jesus in my life and did not know that I was deep in sin.

At the age of 8, I was brought to Tabernacle B-P Church along with my mother and siblings. We were invited by a member of Tabernacle whom my mother met on the bus several years prior. Looking back, it is really amazing how God works, enabling me to receive salvation through the meeting of two strangers on the bus. Since then, I have been attending church services week after week, studying the Word of God and have prayed the sinner’s prayer with an older member. But there was no real transformation. I continued to lie even though I knew that it was bad and that I was sinning against God. Yet at the same time, if anyone were to ask me if I believed in Jesus the Son of God, I would have answered yes. It was not until I got a little older, about the age of 12 or 13 that I understood what faith is and was convicted of my sins. Although I cannot remember the exact moment/event that caused me to believe, I am sure that I have believed.

I firstly know that I am a sinner and unable to help myself from my impending destination to Hell. The only way I can be saved is through Jesus Christ, the Son of God. As the Lamb of God, He died on the cross for my sins. He was buried and resurrected on the third day and now is in Heaven, interceding for me. With Christ who became human for me, who obeyed all the laws for me and finally went to the cross for me, I am saved. Even then, it was not I who desired for God but Him who gave His perfect salvation to me. All I have to do is to cry out to Him and believe on His perfect name.

There have been many times where my heart wandered from God. Yet He has been ever faithful and have preserved me. He has opened my eyes to my sins and stubborn nature. I am no longer the same person who did not feel anything when I lie. There is now a transformation in which I know when I have sinned and there is a need for repentance. Because of this saving grace, I have desired to reach out to my friends many times but have failed. However, I know that I should not give up and be a good testimony for them to see Christ in me. Crayson Wong

No Peace until I Repent

I was brought up in an environment where Christianity was never in the picture. My parents stopped going to a Charismatic church since I was born. They also never talked about God or anything related to Him. I lived as if there wasn’t a creator. I didn’t know what sin was or that I had sinned and needed Jesus. But when I was four my mum met an old friend who brought us to Tabernacle BP Church. Although I attended the services and even Sunday School I didn’t understand or remember the messages. I just knew that if I went to church I could see my friends. I didn’t really want to learn or know more about Christ.

It was at the age 11 that I believed. It was at Tabernacle’s annual church camp. I remember the teacher for the children asked if we knew the gospel and if someone were to ask us who Jesus was did we know how to answer him. Only one or two children raised their hand and I just kept quiet because I honestly never thought of such questions before, so she went on to tell us the gospel. She talked about sin, why we sin and how Christ is the only way to free us from sin. At that moment, all my head knowledge of Christ finally became clear. I finally knew the importance of going to church and what Christ has done for a sinner like me.

After I believed, I can’t say that my life has been nothing but goodness or holy. There are still many times when I’ve failed the Lord and have not shown a good testimony. But I can see a change. In the past when I sin I wouldn’t feel bad unless my mother found out. After accepting Christ, I would feel that there is no peace until I repent. After believing I wanted to serve as well. I wanted to do more for the Lord even if it was in small areas. I thank the Lord that He gave me the opportunity to serve in the choir and as a guitarist in the youth fellowship. I learned to have a servant’s heart always ready and wanting to serve the Master. I’ve gone for evangelism with church friends and tried inviting my friends to church but I don’t think that I’ve done my best. It’s an area which I need to work on. Chloe Wong

The Lord Is Good

Before I became a Christian, life was very stressful, full of troubles, no peace in me. Job 14:1 says, “Man that is born of a woman is of few days, and full of trouble.” How true. My mother is a Buddhist. From young I helped her in all the rituals and followed her obediently to temple for all the festivals. Deuteronomy 4:28 says, “And there ye shall serve gods, the work of men’s hands, wood and stone, which neither see, nor hear, nor eat, nor smell.” I grew up in a family with five siblings of which I am the second youngest. Our mother would punish us by making us kneel in front of a tablet with a basin of water over our head. We are always reminded to study hard to have a better future. I was working very hard without any direction but just to save up for rainy days.

In May 2004, we were in the midst of moving house. My husband decided to send the idol away (with us since our marriage) and I agreed that no more praying of idols in our new home. My eldest sister called and invited me to her church. It was a Lord’s Day morning that I went to Calvary Pandan Bible-Presbyterian Church. That morning was the turning point in my life. I sat on the pew, sang some hymns, read the Scriptures. It was during the sermon that my tears kept rolling down uncontrollably. Something gripped my heart. It was my sins. I was as one having no hope, and without God in the world (Eph 2:12).

God was working in a very mysterious way. I am a sinner and yet God loves me. According to His divine appointment, He called me from outer darkness into His marvelous light. God’s grace. Hallelujah! Praise the Lord. The Lord Jesus Christ came to earth as 100% God and 100% Man, bore all our sins, died on the cross, shed His precious blood in order to reconcile us back to God. On the third day, He rose from the dead, and gave to us this blessed hope of eternal life and He is coming for us again. John 14:3 says, “And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.” I believed and confessed all my sins and asked the Lord Jesus Christ to come into my heart as my personal Lord and Saviour. In June 2004, I took the Basic Bible Knowledge class and was baptized on 26 December 2004.

After my conversion, my thinking gradually changed. Matthew 6:19 says, “Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal.” I became more and more sensitive to sins. I felt very miserable and vexed especially when I didn’t pray or seek His will. Romans 7:19 says, “For the good that I would I do not: but the evil which I would not, that I do.” Thank God as His child I have this great privilege to come to the throne of grace to seek His forgiveness and repent of my sins (Matt 11:28–30).

In June 2010, my husband followed me to church camp. It was his first. He was very happy throughout the whole camp, and sat through all the messages. I was praying earnestly for his salvation. God is so good. He was working so mightily and graciously to convict and convert him. When we returned from camp, he prayed the sinner’s prayer and was baptized too. All glory, laud, and honour to our Almighty God. The Lord is good. He is faithful and truthful in my life. Amen!

I never forgot the Gospel debt that I owe so greatly. Whenever the opportunity comes, I would share the glorious gospel whether in the bus or along the road. To God be the glory! Penny Song

1 Goldhill Plaza, #03-35, S(308899)
6254 1287

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